Overcome challenges and start fresh with a ritual

Vedic Solutions

With decades of experience, we offer remedies to life's challenges through pariharam and various vedic remedies.

Personalized Solutions

We carefully understand your life's challenges and help you overcome by suggesting the best personalized pariharams  through expert knowledge and proven solutions.


About our online facility

Struggling with life's challenges be it business or education or life, we have a solution for you. Each individual is unique and so the life problems. With over 100+ remedies and vedic solutions we offer customized pariharams that can uplift you from the current situation to a brighter and fulfilling lifestyle.

With expert guidance from Swami Sastrigal Services, no obstacle can haunt & block your advancements in life. Life your life to the fullest with positivity through age old remedies and astrological solutions that has been proven right time and again. Rediscover your new self for a brighter future.